Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We live in a Bio-chemical society. That seems a very bold statement, but one few would deny. From the soil your foods are grown in, to the plethora of chemicals that saturate the food chain, and not to mention the myriad of household chemicals, one can often feel overwhelmed by this bombardment of toxins by our so called 'modern' lifestyle. And to make matters worse, we line up to dose up on all kinds of pharmaceutical medications, ranging from simple supermarket purchased pain killers to complex and unpredictable psychotropic drugs. All this, without even venturing into the arena of street drugs and their attendant mind and body destroying effects.

I could go on, but I am sure you get the idea. Think on what has been written above for a while, and you will find yourself finding more ways in which dangerous chemicals have entered our lives and are currently being ingested in volume without any real long term studies into their effects. And before you think this is an attack on all chemicals, I just want to make it clear that without many of mankind's advancements in the field of chemistry and medicine, we would not have Antibiotics. To be fair, the word, CHEMICAL has taken on a bad odour in recent times, clinging to the slang definition given street and illegal drugs.

The medical dictionary defines the word chemical as : A substance having a particular molecular composition, obtained by or used in a chemical process. So, by definition, sugar obtained from fruit, called fructose would be a chemical and most would agree, fruit is ok for you. The idea here is to put some sanity back into the idea about the word and remove the unnecessary stigma of the word and give it's definition some light, whilst differentiating between harmful chemicals and helpful chemicals.

Ponder on this thoughtfully and intelligently.

My later posts will take a look at what kind of chemical we currently use in our everyday 'shop bought' products, and what are some of the possible side effects of these. You may be a little surprised.

Again, this is not a witch hunt, but a process designed to provide intelligent individuals with current freely available data on modern chemicals, to make a fully informed decision about their continued use in daily life.

See you soon.