Monday, April 11, 2011

Neways & Social Media

Neways wants to help you have a positive experience online by offering guidelines to help you navigate social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others that will inevitably come.

Here's one helpful example: Social media is all about building relationships. Just because you are online doesn't mean you should display any different decorum than you would in person. You wouldn't run up to someone and start trying to sell them a product, nor should you spam your contacts on your social media sites.

Instead, feel free to post pictures of yourself at our fun events or share the joy you have in your job. Many of our distributors have created opportunities simply by sharing their passion in appropriate ways, such as "I love having only a one-minute commute from my bedroom to my home office."

To help you succeed in your Neways business by being creditable and professional, Neways has created a new social media policy. Please become familiar with these rules and regulations, and be sure your team also becomes familiar. If you ever run across anything you deem inappropriate or have further questions, contact

Just one more great thing to help your business investment grow & share the experience with your network.

Have a great day

Chris Henderson New Ways Today & Global Financial Partners

April Product of the Month Hydracial !

Thank you to everyone who joined us for April's product-training webinar. Remember, these webinars are now held at 8:00 p.m. Mountain to better accommodate our distributors' busy schedules.

We will be posting a recording of the webinar in a few days. To access it, log into and then click "Training," "Product Training," and then "Product Training Webinars." If you missed the webinar, would like to listen to it again, or want to forward it to your team or prospects, be sure to download it.

Kelly Bellerose, Neways' senior category manager for personal care, did a great job explaining the benefits of the new Hydracial SkinSerum pump. In addition, she reviewed the many anti-aging benefits of the comprehensive Hydracial line.

We'd like to give special thanks to Crystal Executive David Gray for sharing his experience with Hydracial. He was a wonderful addition to the webinar.

Have a Great Day

Chris Henderson New Ways Today & Global Financial Partners

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Neways Corporate Webinar with Dr Greg Emerson - 'Prevention is better than Cure'

Dr Emerson uses a comprehensive integrated approach to health and delaying ageing based upon the biology of the neuroendocrine system, nutrition, fitness and supplementation. His focus is initially on the prevention of illness, prolonging health and delaying ageing, by increasing internal resistance to disease.

Dr Emerson will discuss some important areas of health that will be of interest to Neways Members.

REGISTER HERE we look forward to meeting you online

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM ACST

Have a great day

Chris Henderson New Ways Today & Global Financial Partners